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PH: +48 668 178 492

Do you need support from digital marketing specialists?

Please contact us for additional information and detailed pricing.

E-merchandising service

Our online merchandising services will ensure that your products are presented in the most attractive manner, making it easy for consumers to reach them before finding similar products from other brands.

Search Engine Ranking Analysis

Analysis of the search ranking of products in relation to the most important keywords in their categories

Prices and Promotions

Tracking the SRP of your products to ensure online price stability

Notifications about Out of Stock

Immediate notifications in the event of product shortages in stock

Engagement Analysis

Analysis of the content of product cards in terms of engagement and conversion, and recommendations based on our findings

Competition audits

Comparison of product prices and visibility (among the largest competitors in a given category)

Ratings and Reviews

Monitoring and providing the latest ratings and opinions

Creating Optimized Content

Content support and recommendations for key products to make sure they're optimized for conversion

Support for Activity on Marketplace Platforms

Adding products, tracking sellers and prices on Allegro and Amazon.

Marketing and communication on social media

To maximize your brand's online presence, MS Digital weaves social media management services into your overall marketing strategy.

Create and Publish Posts

Weekly posting on social media

Community Development

We maintain an active and engaging relationship between the consumer and the brand

Growth Hacking

We engage in discussions to help expand your audience organically

Customer service

We manage official communication with clients and on social channels

Marketing strategy

We work with your team to build and manage an organic social media marketing strategy

Brand and Product Sentiment Management

Our brand and campaign performance analytics, reputation crisis management, and competition tracking help improve the services we offer to our clients.


Sentiment Analysis

We monitor online consumer sentiment in relation to your brand and products. We support your team in immediate reaction to any negative mentions that could potentially harm the public image of your brand.


Brand Mentions

We help you determine when your brand or product is gaining popularity and who your main ambassadors / influencers are.


Social Media Monitoring

We track social media engagement, mention frequency, communication, content and make the best recommendations


Brand / Product Positioning

We track the SERP of your brand or product (position in search results) using the three most important key phrases in the industry / product category

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